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Kanye West Net Now $5 Billion



Kanye West net worth

KANYE West claimed he has a net worth of $5 BILLION after falling “$53 million in debt” and thanked Jesus for his fortune.

During the summer, Kanye claimed his net worth was actually $3 billion despite Forbes claiming it closer to $1.3 billion.

Kanye, 43, took to Twitter on Thursday to talk about his finances after Ok! Magazine published an article that claimed his net worth is $5 billion.

“From $53 million in debt to a net worth of $5 billion in 4 years,” he tweeted.

“Thank you, Jesus. I know I fall short, but I repent. I am fully in service to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

“We are building schools of the future. Thank God for providing the increase.”

A few minutes later, he shared a picture of a friend holding a cross made out of french fries, writing: “You think the Yankees might need Jesus tonight?”

The New York Yankees are playing against the Tampa Bay Rays tonight.

Kanye‘s tweet about his finances comes after Business Insider revealed that he disclosed his financial assets and liabilities as part of his candidature for the presidential elections.
